Ganz Weit Tief

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Last week I participated in a video journalism seminar. This is the film that my group made (I am not going to write a review on it…):

This film is in German, sorry…;)

Published in: on August 7, 2008 at 2:23 pm  Leave a Comment  

Jesus Christus Erlöser (Jesus Christ Saviour)

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1971. An evening with Klaus Kinski. He is performing a monologue on Jesus Christ that he wrote himself. I have to say, this man was weird, no…crazy, no… maybe completely insane. Even though the monologue itself wasn’t that interesting to me, I was very impressed by the performance. Kinski certainly had presence and I was almost glad that he was only on screen and not live. Scary, scary man! Some of the audience members were trying to have their say on the speech which did not impress Kinski one bit. He kept shouting at people in the audience and left the stage several times in a complete rage. The show is well worth watching.

The director Peter Geyer was at the cinema for a Q&A after the film. He was almost as strange as Kinski himself. He had a lot of anecdotes about Kinski, his family and life itself and was happy to talk for hours. Apparently he randomly got the old film reels at an auction and spent the last nine years of his life editing it (among doing lots of other things).

It’s good fun to watch some interviews with Kinski on youtube. They are hilarious. A talk masters nightmare!

This film is not yet rated

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Very funny and well made documentary about the film rating system in America. It’s a bit long for its theme.

Everyone knows that the rating system is different in the US then it is here in Europe. Americans seem to be more tolerant towards showing war and violence on screen but any sort of nudity or sex scenes seem highly inappropriate to them.Director Kirby Dick

What I didn’t know before watching the film is that the names of the censors who rate films in the US are kept secret. So basically a secret society is deciding what kids can watch and what they cannot. How odd!

It’s worth watching if you’ve got some spare time and are interested in the American movie business but it’s not a masterpiece.

It’s a google video. You can watch it here.

(Photo: Director Kirby Dick, atp_tyreseus/flickr)

Published in: on May 5, 2008 at 4:08 pm  Comments (2)  
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Seven Dumpsters and a Corpse

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Mulde(Sieben Mulden und eine Leiche)

Be warned: Messy, messy, messy.

The official website says it all: The film is funny, interesting and disturbing. A documentary made by two brothers (Thomas and Erik Haemmerli) of their mothers remains. Literally, remains of her body on the floor where she died and lay for several days. And the remains of her life. Bruna Haemmerli had left a whole flat of stuff behind. Her sons now have the task to get rid off it.


Definitely entertaining, in some places too graphic and too private. Worth watching.
